不愿提起,不能忘记!      A 20-Year Memorial Service
 for Those Who Lost Their Lives in the Student Movement in the Spring of 1989

1989 Student Movement in Beijing  Page No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
  • No. 89 Wounded Student, Tiananmen Square, Early Morning, 1989.6.4 天安門廣場上的學生抬著中彈同伴送到醫院搶救。 On Tiananmen Square, students are carrying their wounded classmates to hospitals for emergency care.
  • No. 90 Soldiers Open Fire on Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.4, 4:00am 六四凌晨四時,士兵自人民大會堂衝出,槍口指向人民英雄紀念碑下的學生,一邊開火一邊推進。照片中其中一軍人槍口可見火光。丁 子霖教授最近收集到二位死在廣場上的學生名單。 June 4th, 1989, 4am, Beijing, Soldiers rushed out of the Great Hall of the People, with guns pointing towards the students under the Monument. They fired as they pushed forward. In this picture the flash from the muzzle of one soldier’s weapon is clearly visible. Professor Ding Zilin has recently collected two more names of students who perished that night on the Tiananmen Square.
  • No. 91 Monument, Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.4, 5:00am 六四凌晨五時,穿迷彩軍服的特種作戰部隊士兵衝上人民英雄紀念碑驅趕學生。 June 4th, 1989, 5am, Beijing, special unit soldiers in camouflage outfits are rushing to the Monument, driving off students.
  • No. 92 Fang Zheng, Crushed by Tank at Liubukou near the Square, 1989.6.4, 6:20 am 方政是在六四凌晨和同學們撤出廣場時,為救一女生而被坦克壓斷雙腿的。六四後他曾獲兩項全國殘疾人運動會冠軍,但因六四而被取 消參加國際比賽資格。“勿忘六四”荣幸请到方政出席此次二十周年纪念活动。 June 4th, 1989, 6:20am, when Fang Zheng and his classmates were evacuating from the Tiananmen Square, he turned back to rescue a female student chased by a tank. She was saved but he didn’t have enough time to escape so both his legs were crushed by the tank. After June 4th, he recovered with iron will and won two gold medals in a national athletic competition for disabled people. But his qualification to compete in international events has been taken away by the Chinese authority due to his involvement in the June 4th protest. “Remember64.org” is honored to have Fang Zheng join this 20th anniversary memorial service as a special guest.
  • No. 93 Resistance on Chang’an Avenue, 1989.6.4 Morning 六四早上軍隊在長安街上掃射,市民英勇抵抗。照片中可見數位市民中彈躺在長安街上,其他人在搶救傷員。 In the morning of June 4th, 1989, soldiers were still shooting on the Chang An Street. Citizens of Beijing fought back heroically. The picture shows some bullet wounded citizens lying in middle of the Chang An Street and others are helping to rescue the wounded.
  • No. 94 Streets in Beijing, 1989.6.4 六四的鮮血染紅了北京的街道。 Streets in Beijing are bloodstained on June 4th, 1989.
  • No. 95 Brave Rickshaw Driver, Outside Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.4, 「人民子弟兵」向人民開槍。勇敢的三轮车夫冒死搶救傷者。 With the help of bystanders, a rickshaw driver fiercely peddles his tricycle to move the wounded people to a nearby hospital. Earlier, soldiers again fired hundreds of rounds towards angry crowds that gathered outside Tiananmen Square to protest the massacre.
  • No. 96 Victim of Dumdum bullet, Beijing, 1989.6.4 許多六四受難者死于國際禁用的俗稱「炸子」的達姆彈。最近北京軍醫蔣彥永大夫證實當時軍隊使用了達姆彈。 Many June 4th victims died of Dumdum bullet shots, which are prohibited internationally. Recently military surgeon Dr. Jiang Yanyong confirmed that the troops used the Dumdum bullets in the crack-down.
  • No. 97 Demonstration protesting the Massacre in Beijing, Chinese Embassy in Washington, 1989.6.4 六月四日,美京華盛頓中國大使館前發生抗議北京屠殺學生的示威。 Demonstrators gather outside the Chinese Embassy in Washington to protest the bloody killing by the Chinese troops.
  • No. 98 Demonstration protesting the Massacre in Beijing, Macau, 1989.6.5 六月五日, 澳門群眾大集會,強烈譴責北京血腥鎮壓學生愛國民主運動。 The great rally in Macau condemns the Beijing Government’s massacre of unarmed civilians and students.
  • No. 99 The Tankman, near Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.5 《時代》週刊把「王維林」列為世紀偉人,只因他隻身勇擋坦克車隊。其實我們不知道他是誰,叫什麼,現在又在那裡。 Wang Weilin, who stood alone before the marching tanks, was listed one of the giants of the 20th century by Time magazine. As a matter of fact, nobody really knows who he was, what his name was and where he is now.
  • No. 100 Lovers under Tanks, Beijing, 1989.6.5 合騎一輛自行車的一對夫婦經過一交通橋下,橋上即是軍人坦克。 A young couple on a bicycle together take cover underneath a bridge on which China's People's Liberation Army tanks hold positions.
  • No. 101 Tiananmen Square Occupied by Tanks, 1989.6.6 天安門廣場上軍人戒備森嚴,重炮隱約可見。 Soldiers guarding Tiananmen Square hunker down behind barricades on Tuesday morning while heavy artillery looms in the background under the portrait of Mao.
  • No. 102 Chengdu was Another City with Bloody Crack-down, 1989.6.6 北京的噩耗出來,四川成都民眾哀悼六四死難者,與軍警發生衝突。成都是中共另一個動用武力鎮壓的城市,也有許多市民和學生在衝 突中死亡。 Upon hearing the shocking sad news from Beijing, people of the city of Chengdu, Shichuan Province, mourn the June 4th victims in Beijing, and later clash with the police. The city of Chengdu is the other city where the Chinese authority used force to suppress the protest. There were also many deaths among citizens and students during the clash in Chengdu.
  • No. 103 Tiananmen Square Occupied by Tanks, 1989.6.7 天安門廣場上重兵駐守,一些市民在遠處觀看。 Beijing residents gather to look at the military occupation on Tiananmen Square.
  • No. 104 Monument Steps Witness the Bloody Crack-down, Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.7 軍人駐守天安門廣場紀念碑,台階上被坦克壓壞的痕跡依然可見。 Soldiers station around the Monument on the Tiananmen Square. Tank tracks on the steps are still visible.
  • No. 105 Bullet holes on a building, Beijing, 1989.6.7 這座外交員公寓六月七日曾遭軍人射擊,理由據稱是有人躲在其中射擊中國軍人。公寓下層陽台上彈孔依稀可見。 Two women stand on the upper balcony of a foreign diplomatic apartment building that was riddled by machine gun fires from Chinese troops who claimed they had been shot at by a sniper. Bullet holes can be seen on the lower balcony.
  • No. 106 Beijing under Martial Law, 1989.6.8 軍人在北京市交通要道站崗。在北京的戒嚴直至九○年四月才解除。 PLA troops guard an intersection in central Beijing. Martial Law in Beijing was not removed until April 1990.
  • No. 107 Deng Xiaoping Meets with Army, 1989.6.9 六月九日,鄧小平接見戒嚴部隊軍以上幹部,顯示大局已定。 On June 9th, Deng Xiaoping, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with army and high-rank commanders from the martial law enforcement troops, showing that the situation was under his control.
  • No. 108 Scrub Blood off the Monument, Tiananmen Square, 1989.6.15 烈士紀念碑上的鮮血可洗刷得乾淨? Beijing city workers scrub the Martyr's Monument on Tiananmen Square. The monument was the rallying point for students during their demonstration.
  • No. 109 Some of the victims.
  • No. 110 More victims.
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